Steps to Join the Ontario Market
Working with iGaming Ontario and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
Internet Gaming Operators who want to join Ontario's regulated market must take steps with both iGaming Ontario (iGO) and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) before being allowed to provide their products and services to to players in Ontario. This material has been prepared to help Operators plan and complete the necessary steps. Multiple steps can be completed at the same time. The order of steps may vary based on each Operator’s unique circumstances and readiness.
To learn more about iGaming Ontario's and AGCO's unique roles please visit: What We Do.

More Information about the Steps
This material provides more information about the steps that each Operator must complete with iGaming Ontario and AGCO, including:
- A brief description of each step
- A list of things that must be done before each step
- Timing information including when to start each step and how long each step will take
- The iGaming Ontario or AGCO team you will be working with for the step
The timing indicated to complete each step is a best estimate. Actual timing will depend on each Operator’s individual circumstances, preparedness, and responsiveness.

Supplier Readiness
Operators must work closely with their suppliers to ensure they are also ready to participate in the new market. Some suppliers will need to be registered with the AGCO and have their technology certified by a registered independent testing laboratory (ITL). Operators are encouraged to work proactively with their suppliers to ensure they are ready at the same time. For more information about suppliers and supplier registration please refer to the Internet Gaming Suppliers Application Guide | Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (

Have Questions?
If you have questions about the information provided in this material, iGaming Ontario and AGCO teams are ready to help Operators through each step. Please execute your NDA with iGO to receive access to a proprietary version of this document with all departmental emails included.

iGaming Ontario Step 1
Execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with iGODescription
To get access to detailed information from iGO, including the Operating Agreement and Policies, you will need to sign a NDA.
Before Starting this Step
Visit Request Non-Disclosure Agreement to obtain a copy of the NDA.
Prospective Operators are encouraged to sign a NDA as soon as possible. It should take approximately two business days to complete this step.
Support with this Step
If you need support with this step, you can e-mail @email
iGaming Ontario Step 2
Execute a Letter of Agreement with iGODescription
If you are intending to offer an internet gaming site in Ontario, you must execute a Letter of Agreement to start the formal processes of preparing for market.
Before Starting this Step
You must have executed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with iGO.
The Letter of Agreement is available on iGO Connect to Operators who have executed a NDA. It should take approximately two business days to complete this step.
Support with this Step
You will be working with iGO's legal department to complete this step. If you have questions, you will be able to e-mail them. Please execute your NDA with iGO to receive access to a proprietary version of this document with the departmental email included.
iGaming Ontario Step 3
Set Up and Configure Access to iGO's Secure Data and Information Communication ChannelsDescription
Your team will be provided with instructions on how to access iGO's secure data exchange services (e.g. SharePoint and Secure File Transfer Protocol [SFTP]) for the purposes of exchanging information with iGO.
After executing a Letter of Agreement you’ll be provided with instructions about the next steps. It should take approximately two business days to complete this step.
Support with this Step
You will be working with iGO Systems and Data Team to complete this step. If you have questions, you will be able to e-mail them. Please execute your NDA with iGO to receive access to a proprietary version of this document including the departmental email.
iGaming Ontario Step 4
Complete iGO's Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Information SubmissionsDescription
You will be required to submit a package of documents, templates, and attestations related to your commercial AML obligations.
Before Starting this Step
You must have:
- Received access to iGO's secure data exchange tools.
- Executed a Letter of Agreement with iGO.
It should take approximately 2 weeks to complete this step, depending on your individual circumstances.
Support with this Step
You will be working with the iGO Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Team to complete this step. If you have questions, you will be able to e-mail them. Please execute your NDA with iGO to receive access to a proprietary version of this document including the departmental email.
iGaming Ontario Step 5
Complete iGO's Financial Information SubmissionsDescription
You will be required to submit a package of documents, templates, and attestations related to your commercial financial obligations. This includes completing a bank due diligence process and participating in end-to-end testing of Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) data and funds transfers.
Before Starting this Step
You must have:
- Received access to iGO's secure data exchange tools.
- Executed a Letter of Agreement with iGO.
It should take approximately 1–2 weeks to complete this step.
Support with this Step
You will be working with the iGO Finance Team to complete this step. If you have questions, you will be able to e-mail them. Please execute your NDA with iGO to receive access to a proprietary version of this document including the departmental email.
iGaming Ontario Step 6
Participate in Operator Systems & Data Readiness Cycle with iGODescription
Your team will be provided with instructions on how to prepare for systems and data readiness testing. When your systems are configured and ready, you will be invited to participate in a series of tests to ensure that all systems are performing as expected before executing your Operating Agreement with iGO.
You must:
- Be configured in the FINTRAC (F2R) Reporting System (part of AML information submission).
- Have completed the iGO Financial Information Package, including banking set-up.
It should take approximately 1 week to complete this step.
Support with this Step
You'll be working with iGO Systems and Data Team and iGO Account Management to complete this step. If you have questions, you will be able to e-mail them. Please execute your NDA with iGO to receive access to a proprietary version of this document including the departmental email.
iGaming Ontario Step 7
Execute the Operating Agreement with iGODescription
The final step before entering the regulated market is executing the Operating Agreement with iGO. You’ll be invited to sign the Operating Agreement and coordinate the activities related to your entrance into the regulated market.
You must:
- Received a Certificate of Registration as an Internet Gaming Operator from the AGCO
- Completed all other AGCO steps to entering the market
- Completed all other iGO steps to entering the market.
The time it will take to complete this step is variable depending on each Operator's unique circumstances.
Support with this Step
You will be working with iGO's legal department to complete this step. If you have questions, you will be able to e-mail them. Please execute your NDA with iGO to receive access to a proprietary version of this document including the departmental email. Visit iGO Connect for the latest information about the Operating Agreement.

AGCO Step 1
Ensure games and critical gaming systems are Independent Testing Labratory (ITL) certifiedDescription
Any games and supporting critical gaming systems must be certified by an ITL that is registered with the AGCO before being made available for play in Ontario.
Before Starting this Step
Operators must ensure that their games and supporting critical gaming systems are certified by a registered ITL and ensure your suppliers have done so as well.
Read the Internet Gaming Go-Live Compliance Guide | Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (
There are currently multiple ITLs registered with the AGCO. The time it will take to complete this step is variable dependent on ITL capacity and depth / scope of certification required.
Support with this Step
You will be working with suppliers and AGCO-registered ITLs to complete this step. If you have questions, you can e-mail AGCO's Technology Regulation and iGaming Compliance Branch at: @email
AGCO Step 2
Register with the AGCODescription
If you want to offer an internet gaming site in Ontario, you must be registered as an Internet Gaming Operator with the AGCO.
Before Starting this Step
Read the Internet Gaming Operator Application Guide and Create an account on the iAGCO online portal.
This step takes 2+ months to complete from time of submitting complete application in iAGCO and paying the associated fees.
Support with this Step
To learn more about creating an iAGCO account watch this video: iAGCO Tutorial: How to create an iAGCO account.
An Eligibility Officer from AGCO’s Licensing and Registration Branch will be assigned to your application and will connect with you directly during the registration process.
AGCO Step 3
Implement Control Activities to Comply with AGCO Registrar's Standards for Internet GamingDescription
You'll be required to develop and implement control activities to achieve the regulatory objectives reflected in AGCO Standards and Requirements prior to going live.
Before Starting this Step
Read the Registrar's Standards for Internet Gaming; and Read the igaming Standards FAQs.
Read the Internet Gaming Go-Live Compliance Guide | Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (
The time it will take to complete this step is variable dependent on each Operator’s unique circumstances.
Support with this Step
You will be working with the AGCO Technology Regulation and iGaming Compliance Branch to complete this step. If you have questions, you can e-mail them at: @email.
AGCO Step 4
Participate in Internet Gaming Notification Matrix TrainingDescription
Members of your team will be invited to participate in training for submitting Regulatory Submissions and Notifications using the iAGCO online portal.
Before Starting this Step
You should have applied for registration with the AGCO and read the Internet Gaming Notification Matrix.
It should take approximately 90 minutes to complete this step.
Support with this Step
You will be working with the AGCO Technology Regulation and iGaming Compliance Branch to complete this step. If you have questions, you can e-mail them at: @email
AGCO Step 5
Set Up Regulatory Reporting in iAGCODescription
Your team will be required to provide information to set up Online Authorized Accounts for submitting and accessing Regulatory Submissions and Notifications in iAGCO.
Before Starting this Step
You must have
- Completed Regulatory Notification Matrix Training.
- Received a Certificate of Registration from the AGCO.
It should take approximately two business days to complete this step.
Support with this Step
You will be working with the AGCO Technology Regulation and iGaming Compliance Branch to complete this step. If you have questions, you can e-mail them at:
AGCO Step 6
Set Up and Configure Access to AGCO's Secure Data and Information Communication ChannelsDescription
Your team will be provided with instructions on how to access AGCO's secure data exchange services (e.g. SharePoint and Secure File Transfer Protocol [SFTP]) for the purposes of exchanging information with the AGCO.
Before Starting this Step
You must have received a Certificate of Registration from the AGCO.
It should take approximately two business days to complete this step.
Support with this Step
You will be working with the AGCO Information and Information Technology Branch to complete this step. If you have questions, you can e-mail the AGCO's Systems and Data Team at: @email
AGCO Step 7
Provide Technology Compliance Confirmation to AGCODescription
It is a requirement for Operators and Gaming-Related Suppliers who run a gaming system to provide the AGCO with confirmation that your technology is compliant with all applicable AGCO standards and requirements.
Before Starting this Step
You should have completed integration and configuration of all technology components of your gaming site.
Read the Internet Gaming Go-Live Compliance Guide | Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (
You can begin this step once all activities you deem necessary to support your confirmation have been completed to your satisfaction, which may include third party testing. The time it will take to complete this step is variable dependent on each Operator's unique circumstances.
Support with this Step
You will be working with the AGCO Technology Regulation and iGaming Compliance Branch to complete this step. If you have questions, you can e-mail them at: @email.